School Hours and Attendance
All students and families arriving before 8:30am must wait at the Canteen Undercover area until the first siren sounds at 8:30am.
Start of day: 8:30 am
Lesson start: 8:45 am
Lunch break: 10:45 am
Lessons resume: 11:20 am
Recess break: 1:20 pm
Lessons resume: 1:40 pm
End of day: 2:50 pm
Please note on Fridays, the siren will sound at 8:40am in preparation for Team Meetings and School Assemblies.
Under Department of Education Regulations, typically the only acceptable reasons for absence from school are illness and medical or dental appointments that cannot be arranged outside of school hours. It is a legal requirement that parents contact the school regarding any student absences or lateness.
In the event of any absence, a brief note, phone call, or SMS text explaining the reason is required. This must be done before 9:30am. The school operates a mobile phone messaging system for the communication of student absences. Our computer system will automatically send parents an SMS if their child is absent and no explanation has been provided.
If an explanation for the absence has been received prior to 9:30am then parents will not receive an SMS.
The number to use for text messages regarding your child’s absences is 0437 618 533.
Students should not arrive before 8.30am. On arrival at school, students (with their parents/carers, if applicable) must wait in the Canteen Undercover Area where supervision is provided until the siren sounds at 8.30am, when classroom doors open, as a signal for students to make their way to their classrooms.
For safety reasons, children should not visit their room first to drop off their bags – it is important that everyone is in the supervised area (ie. Canteen Undercover Area).
Students are not permitted to play on, or with, playground equipment prior to the 8.30am siren.
It is imperative that students are well prepared and settled by the time the siren, which signals the start of the official school day, sounds at 8:45am.
Please note: Students who arrive at school after the 8:45am siren must report to the front office (administration), to complete a late note, whether they are accompanied by a parent/carer or not.
This must be done before the child goes to class. A late note issued by the office staff, is then given to the child who in turn delivers it to his/her teacher upon entering the classroom.