Parents & Citizens' Association (P&C)

Glencoe Primary School has a dedicated group of parents and carers who form the school P&C. The objectives are to promote the interests of our school through:

  • cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community;
  • assist in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school; and
  • foster community interest in educational matters.

The P&C also hold a number of fundraising events throughout the year, with proceeds raised supporting the purchase of various resources for the school. The P&C has been very active in raising funds for our school community.

All parents and members of the school community are welcome to join the school's P&C. We encourage you to become a member of our P&C by making contact with one of the office bearers for further information.

The P&C have an active Facebook page 'Glencoe Primary P&C Community Page'

Enquiries can be directed to our Secretary at
Many hands make light work and we welcome any new members to join our P&C.

If you are interested in joining please contact us on

"Many hands make light work", please join and support your P&C.