Our Curriculum
Glencoe Primary School students all participate in the eight learning areas, as specified by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). These learning areas include:
- English - In the English learning area, students develop their Standard Australian English skills. There are three parts or strands in the English learning area. These are Language, Literacy and Literature
- Mathematics - In the Mathematics learning area, students build numeracy skills and their understandings of mathematical ideas and processes. Numeracy helps students with their daily lives.
- Humanities and Social Sciences - In the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) learning area students learn about the world they live in. They study people and places and learn about the past and the present. HASS includes:
- Civics and Citizenship – introduced in Year 3 and carries through to Year 10
- Economics and Business– introduced in Year 5 and carries through to Year 10
- Geography – introduced in Pre-primary and carries through to Year 10
- History – introduced in Pre-primary and carries through to Year 10.
- Languages - In the Languages learning area, students learn languages other than English. While learning a new language, students build communication skills and learn about other cultures. *Languages has been mandated for Year 3 in 2018, with other years following consecutively until 2023 when implemented for Year 8.
- Health and Physical Education - In the Health and Physical Education (HPE) learning area, students learn about being healthy, safe, and active. They develop skills to live a healthy life. The HPE learning area is in two parts:
- Personal, social and community health
- Movement and physical activity
- Science - In the Science learning area, students develop a scientific view of the world and develop their understanding of science ideas and uses. They use this view to explore the world around them.
- Technologies - There are two subjects in the Technologies learning area. The first is Design and Technologies. The second is Digital Technologies. Students develop skills in creating solutions for now and the future in both subjects.
- The Arts - The Arts learning area consists of Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts. Subjects from The Arts build students’ creativity and communication skills. Students learn how to express their ideas and solve problems
The Western Australian Curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum. It has been designed to meet the specific needs of students in Western Australia.
Specialist teachers are utilised in the areas of:
•Japanese • Health and Physical Education • Visual Arts • Performing Arts.
Extra curricula programs for selected year groups include:
• Runners’ Club • Performance Groups • Drumbeat • Breakfast Club • Sailing
Extra curricula programs for selected students include:
• Horsepower • Rainbows (selected students)
Glencoe Primary School has a stable and predominantly experienced staff, who are committed to improving educational outcomes for every student in the delivery of an extensive curriculum program, including a comprehensive pastoral care program, with a particular focus on social learning and values.
Assessments & Reporting
At Glencoe Primary School, assessment has a four-fold purpose. It is formative, it provides feedback on learning to the student, it informs teaching and it provides information for parents and the wider community on progress and achievement.
Our teachers use a variety of tools and resources to assess student achievement. Twice a year, our teachers formally assess each student’s achievements based on the outcomes described in the Western Australian Curriculum. A copy of your child’s report using the grade scale is sent home at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. This gives you a clear picture of your child’s school performance. The report provides written information that clearly shows your child’s achievement in the learning areas studied.
Students at Glencoe Primary School undertake a number of assessments.
On Entry Testing occurs in Pre Primary and students complete On Entry Testing assessments in literacy and numeracy. This assists teachers to identify the learning needs of your child at the commencement of the school year.
National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses students’ skills in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar. All students in Years 3 and 5 sit for these tests in May. NAPLAN results help teachers meet the individual literacy and numeracy needs of students. You will receive a detailed written report of your child’s achievement in these tests.
Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) are held at the beginning of Term 4 for all students in Pre-Primary through to Year 6. These tests are analysed and the school uses this data to monitor the year-to-year progress of students and allow us to measure whole school progress towards our benchmarks and targets.