Our School Board
The role of the Board is that of involvement in the governance of the school. This means taking part in the shaping and monitoring of the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions. In addition, other functions are specified in the legislation. The Board does not have a role in school management. This is the responsibility of the Principal and involves educational leadership and the effective day-to-day administration, supervision and control of the school and its staff.
The functions of a School Board are to:
Take part in:
- establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions;
- the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions;
- evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them; and
- formulating codes of conduct for students at the school.
- Determine, in consultation with students, their parents and staff a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school.
- Promote the school in the community.
- charges and contributions for the provision of certain materials, services and facilities;
- extra cost optional components of educational programs;
- items to be supplied by a student for personal use in an educational program;
- any agreements or arrangements for advertising or sponsorship in relation to the school.
Current School Board Members
Mr Jesse Murphy - Principal
Miss Donna Shepherdson - Deputy Principal
Miss Melanie Stafford - Deputy Principal
Mrs Kaleena Rekman - Teacher
Mr Martin I'anson - Community Member
Mrs Maria Vladusic - Parent
Ms Nicole Dunn - Parent
Mrs Vita Kushnir - Parent
Mrs Rebecca Bright - Parent